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The Korean Peninsula Conundrum

True Peace, Security and Human Rights

종전선언과 한반도 리스크

한미 전문가 연구 발표회 및 안보 대화


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한국과 미국의 16명의 지식인과 전문가들이
한반도와 동북아의 평화에 기여한
UNC의 역사적 역할,앞으로 다가올 한반도의 위기에서의 UNC의 임무,
한반도의 운명과 자유 번영을 통한 기여를 한국과 미국 정치인, 정책담당자, 지식계 그리고 여론까지 널리 확산시키기 위해 만든 논문집입니다.

Seoul Book Launch Event, H.R. 3446 -
“The Korean Peninsula Conundrum - True Peace, Security, and Human Rights


KCPAC organized and hosted a book launch event at the Grant Hyatt Hotel in Seoul, South Korea on December 20, 2021, to introduce to the world, the Korean-language version of the book highlighting the dangers of H.R. 3446, the “Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act.” 

This book launch event, which was attended at full capacity despite the COVID-19 restrictions, featured many well-known and respected VIPs from the South Korean conservative movement and political and opinion leader circles, including former Prime Minister and Acting President, Hwang Kyo-An, National Assemblywoman Na Kyung-Won from the People Power Party (PPP), and the PPP’s presidential candidate, Yoon Seok-Youl who gave remarks in a pre-recorded audio message.

The book launch event also featured noted scholars such as Prof. Jo Sung-Hwan of Kyonggi University, Nam Kwang-Kyu of Korea University, and other distinguished speakers in the main panel session. 


From Washington, D.C., Dan Schneider, the Executive Director of ACU (The American Conservative Union), sent congratulatory remarks in a video message, highlighting the importance of the Korean-language version of the book on H.R. 3446 and noting the important work that KCPAC is doing in South Korea and beyond.

Other remarks at this book launch event were given by Mr. Koh Young-Ju, Co-Chair of KCPAC in South Korea, along with video messages by Grant Newsham, President of KCPAC, and Patrick Kang, Executive Director of KCPAC.

In short, all the speakers who gave remarks, and especially the presenters in the panel session, all spoke on the dangers that the fake peace push will bring upon the South Korean people, to the detriment of the US-ROK Alliance, and the national security of the Republic of Korea and the United States.  The speakers and presenters all stressed the need to focus on the prevention of provocations from the North Korean regime and the denuclearization of North Korea.

This book launch event in Seoul, South Korea occurred at a critical moment in that KCPAC, through this book featuring papers by world-renowned experts and scholars – is taking the lead as the bulwark against the tide of pro-North Korea, anti-US, fake-peace pushing leftists who are trying to influence people in governments, media, and academia. 

The event was covered by many South Korean news media outlets, such as the New Daily, Kyung In Maeil, and the Daehan Ilbo.




Bruce Bechtol

브루스 벡톨
앤젤로주립대 정치학 교수


Gordon Chang

고든 창
중국 및 국제질서 비평가


Ron Cullifer

론 컬리퍼
동아시아 논평가

샘 패디스.jpg

Charles Faddis

찰스 패디스
중앙정보국(CIA) 요원

데이비드 맥스웰.jpg

Anthony Holmes

앤서니 홈스
미국 특전사령부 자문위원

Sung-Yoon Lee

플레처 스쿨 조교수

David Maxwell

데이비드 맥스웰
아시아 안보 정치 전문가

Grant Newsham

그랜트 뉴셤
안보정책센터 선임연구원


Denny Roy

데니 로이
아시아태평양 지역안보 전문 연구원

Greg Scarlatoiu

그레그 스칼라튜
북한인권위원회(HRNK) 사무총장

Ri Jong-Ho

전 북한노동당 경제 관료

Park Sung-Hyun

교육문화운동단체 이선본 대표


Park Nam-Soo

한국국가전략연구원 국방전략센터장

Nam Kwang-Kyu

고려대  북한연구센터장

Cho Chang-Rae

한글과 컴퓨터 고문

Jo Sung-Hwan

경기대 정치전문대학원 원장

한국인과 미국인 사이의 민간 가치동맹이
자유세계와 동아시아의 안보와 자유를 지켜낸다!

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